


In order to increase employee satisfaction,
Fastbox implements various systems
to help boost performance and capacity.

Horizontal Organization

At Fastbox, all employees address one other with full respect to establish a horizontal
organizational structure that puts emphasis on communication and collaboration.

Learning and Development

1. New Employee Training: We provide training on personnel systems, corporate culture, and work tools for a smooth transition.

2. Development: We offer training on stock solutions, WMS, and DHUB to help improve basic task performance.

3. External Intensive Training: We offer intensive courses in affiliation with the Korea Integrated Logistics Association for regular exposure to outside information.

4. Automation Training: We employ an RPA infrastructure that can automate repetitive work and allow employees to focus on maintaining competitiveness in a hyperconnected world.

Performance Evaluation

Objective evaluations can be difficult.

However, through our efforts below we strive to overcome the obstacles.

1. We offer employees the opportunity to submit their own statement in addition to performance evaluation.

2. We adopt a multi-layer key performance indicator in order to maintain objectivity.